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The Fence-type Anode for Manganese EW
作者:管理员 来源:原创 日期:2020-03-09 字体: [] [] []

The advantage of the Fence-type anode for Manganese EW

  • The Fence-type anode plate does not need to add any auxiliary equipment in the use process, and will not deform in the use process.
  • At the same time, it improves the fluidity of electrolyte, enhances the transfer speed of manganese ion, and finally improves the current efficiency of manganese electrowinning.
  • Oxygen on the surface of barrier anode is easy to form small bubbles, which takes up little space to attach to the anode, has little shielding effect on the electric field, and increases the conductive area of the anode, resulting in high current efficiency in the process of manganese electrowinning
  • At the same time, when the bubble rises to the liquid level, it will bring out less acid mist

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